Welcome To Care Training Online
Here are the instructions for using this training:
1. Select the training programme you want to use
2. Right click on your mouse the work sheet to the right of the screen under “Resources”
3. Click on “save target as” and download the worksheet to your computer
4. Add the name of the facilitator of the training programme to the worksheet (optional)
5. Print off the required number of work sheets
6. Right click on your mouse the certificate under “Resources”
7. Click on “Save target as” and download to your computer
8. Add your company name/logo at the top left hand corner of the certificate
9. Print off required number
10. Students sit in front of the computer
11. Click on to training programme
12. Click on the play arrow in the centre of the screen
P.S. Don’t forget to sign the certificate as the training. Clinical Update (NZ) Ltd will only verify the training material, not the facilitation of training by the trainer.
How to get the most out of this training programme
1. Sit with your students
2. Pause the programme at any stage and discuss clients in your care (to pause click on the pause button to the bottom left of the screen)
3. Restart the training session by hitting the play button at the bottom left
NB: Some training sessions may be too long for one session. You can pause the training session at any stage and come back to it.
Instructions for restarting training programme
1. Click on the topic you want to restart
2. Click on the arrow in the centre of the screen to commence the recording
3. Slide square box along slide bar at the bottom of the screen to the required slide
4. Continue training till you want to pause again or complete the training
If you have any questions or need help in any way please contact Leigh by phone on +64 9 834 4825 or email leigh@caretrainingonline.com.