Are You Struggling With Caring For A Loved
One Who Is Suffering From Dementia?
Learn How To Conquer Your Emotions And Find Inner Peace
While Being A Caregiver For A Loved One With Dementia
Do you feel that no matter how hard you try, the person you are caring for is getting more and more distant?
Are you tired and frustrated because you’re finding it difficult to cope with your new reality?
Or are you angry because you feel all your hopes and dreams have been put on pause?
As you may have realized by now, you cannot change the other person no matter how much you think you know them…
It's Time To Change Your Expectations...
Let’s face it… if you don’t learn how to deal with your emotions now and seek to understand why you are struggling...
Before you realize what happened you’re so stressed that you can’t think clearly, can’t sleep and crumble to pieces…
But that doesn’t help you, your family, or your loved one.
The Truth Is Being A Caregiver Is REALLY HARD WORK!
Living with someone who is slowly becoming more and more confused is an huge undertaking.
You have to deal with someone following you around 24/7 always asking you the same thing…
Leaving you little time to be alone and have your own space.
It’s normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed when this is your life…
And you’re not to blame… you’re just human.
But Here's The Good News
Over my 50 year career as a nurse (most of which has been looking after the elderly and disabled) I have found one thing to be true…
The only person you can change is YOU.
And that means you must learn to take care of yourself first BEFORE you can begin caring for someone else.
This is an important part of caring for someone that is often neglected or forgotten.
But I’ve written extensively on practical techniques you can use to better cope with caring for someone suffering from dementia.
And I’d like to to share what I’ve learned over my years of experience with you.
Things Will Change For The Better
You can finally get back to feeling and being yourself.
And not only that… but being able to give the love and care your loved one needs.
When you gain a deeper understanding of your own coping behavior, you’ll find you don’t overreact to challenging situations like you used to…
I remember the feeling I had when I was finally able to manage my emotions in a healthy way.
And I know that with a little guidance and encouragement you can do the same.
I Know It's Possible Because I've Been Through It!
I’ve helped thousands of people in the same situation as you…
I owned my own dementia-specific caring facility and trained my staff to help families successfully use these coping techniques.
And over my 50 year career as a Registered Nurse and manager, I’ve seen firsthand my behavior will affect others more than anything else.
To this day I teach these fundamental skills through face to face trainings in facilities and online.
50 Years Of Experience Distilled Into One Book
In my ebook, I’m going to guide you through the process we use for mastering your emotions when caring for someone with dementia.
You’ll learn how to care for yourself first so it’s possible to care for your loved one.
You will receive first-hand knowledge on how to let go and take time out for yourself…
Because when you’re relaxed and do not buy into the person’s behavior, the situation will improve for everyone.
You will also hear the success stories from other caregivers that will undoubtedly help you as well.
But Don't Take My Word For It
Here’s what some of my colleagues had to say…
"Leigh’s views are certainly thought-provoking… Reading this book will result in a degree of personal growth and development and will show you that caring for those with dementia can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. "
- Dr. Phil Wood, North Shore Hospital
"Leigh has put a human face to the treatment and support of people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Above all else, Leigh emphasises that sufferers must be accorded the same dignity, love and respect which is the right of all people. I commend this book to all carers, families and professionals who have an interest in the wellbeing and caring of people with dementia."
- Richard Faull, Professor of Anatomy, University of Auckland, NZ
"I know this book will be a useful guide to those people who wish to develop a greater understanding of the problems entailed in dealing with this debilitating condition. Leigh’s enthusiasm, compassion and experience are crystallised in these pages."
- Dr. Jock Carnachan, former Vice President of General Practitioner’s New Zealand
So What Exactly Is Included?
- Simple techniques to gain a better understanding of your own beliefs and values
- First-person accounts of how to (and how not to) deal with difficult situations when caring for someone with dementia
- How you can tune into your intuition and use it as a guiding force in your life
- Learn the holistic approach to life and understand the four quadrants of being - physical, emotional, spiritual and mental
- The questions to ask yourself if you want to take responsibility from now on and make a conscious decision to change
- The key to regaining power back in your life
- Why forgiving yourself for your past is the path to finding joy in the present
- Understanding the “positive” side of living with dementia
- How to properly handle aggressive or violent outbursts by the person you’re caring for
- The powerful ways you can use non-verbal communication to make the person feel safe
- Strategies for empathizing with differing belief systems and values without passing judgement
- How to stop being your harshest critic by loving yourself so you will be free to give more love
- Why sedation is NOT the answer to correcting challenging behaviors
- The importance of designing a calming environment to create joy and health for those who live and work there
- Learn the process for coming to terms with death and minimize the fear of dying
- Why it’s natural and healthy for the elderly to embrace their sexuality and why you shouldn’t fight it
- Understanding the many benefits of developing your spiritual side (and why it’s different than religion)
- And MUCH more!
If you're serious about having a healthy relationship with the person you’re caring for (and with yourself) then this book is where you should start.
Otherwise you'll keep getting frustrated and I want you to find joy in your role as a caregiver…
Discovering The Answers
Took Time
The only reason I know these techniques work is because it took me years and years of experimenting to find out what was most effective...
I’ve already seen the mistakes other caregivers have made along the way so you can avoid them…
And I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes too.
So now you don't have to go at it alone!
How Much Do You Invest?
We all want to make sure our loved ones are well cared for.
And there are many options...
Such as paying a nurse for in home care or putting your loved one in a home.
But if you're reading this then that's obviously not what you want.
Plus these are expensive options too!
Special Offer Available Right Now
Since you just requested our Challenging Behaviors Guide we want to make you a special offer.
You can get the full Understanding and Dealing with Dementia ebook today for just $7.
That’s not a typo…
We just want to give you no excuses for trying our training and discovering how great it is.
Plus it’s covered by our…
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Understanding and Dealing with Dementia today and put it to the test.
And if for any reason you don’t like it…
Or you don’t even find the time to read it…
I’ll completely refund your money.
But You Have To Act Now...
This offer is only available to new subscribers.
That means if you want it then it's here for the taking right now.
Otherwise you'll have to pay full price later.
So I'd take advantage of this special offer while it's still available to you.
Here's What To Do Next
Simply click the Add To Cart button below.
You’ll then enter your details so I can send you a copy of the ebook.
And you’ll get instant access to the ebook.
Just click the button below right now…
Normally $47… Today $7 (Save 85%)
Best Regards,
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm sending you my book, Understanding and Dealing with Dementia: A Caregiver's Guide (that I normally sell for $47) for only $7. Yes, only seven bucks.
There's no catch… I want to give you the best opportunity to take care of both yourself and your loved one as you learn to be a caregiver.
And I know that if you love this book you might be interested in more training from me down the road.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Who Am I?

I began nursing in 1965 and has work in aged care since 1974 as a staff nurse, charge nurse and more recently aged care facility owner/manager.
I learned early that people with dementia were being managed inappropriately with medication and discovered other more effective ways to provide care and the key was to train those giving the caring to change rather than trying to change the person with the disease.
I'm an avid advocate of using conventional and alternative medicine in harmony together to create far better outcomes for everyone.