How Can You Ensure That Your Wishes Are Carried Out If You Need Care?
Nobody knows what is around the corner for them…
And maybe you’ve never thought about writing your wishes down?
But if you don’t tell people what you want, then they will give you what they THINK you want…
Apart from the fact that you don’t get what you want… it can cause discord among family members – especially your children.
Without your wishes written down, they will be up for interpretation from all the different conversations you’ve had.
The fact remains, they don’t know what you want. And if you still don’t believe me, take a look at this.
So how are you going to overcome all of this?
Write it down yourself. Or at least in conjunction with those closest to you or your health practitioner.
This is the only way you will have any hope of getting the care or funeral you want.
So Where Do You Start?
This is why most people don’t get started in the first place.
It used to seem like the biggest stumbling block to overcome.
But that’s no longer the case as it’s been made easy by setting up an Advanced Care Plan or ACP.
All the information you need can be found here:
It covers all you need to know and how to take the first steps.
Need To Know: Writing An ACP
Firstly, you should have your Power of Attorney set up. This is likely to be legal document in some states or countries, so look into this first.
Then you should consider setting up an Advanced Directive or Living Will.
Some states and countries have specific forms to complete which could have different titles. So, again check out what is applicable for your state or country.
To understand more go to:
While an Advanced Care Plan is not necessarily a legal document, it does get you to think about what you want at the end of your life.
And it encourages you to discuss it with others and makes your wishes known.
This affords you the opportunity to get at least some of what you want and prevent your family from being at odds with each other when the time comes for these tough decisions to be made.
One thing to note is you need to review these documents on an ongoing basis because you may change your mind and new treatments are always being made available.
The Final Point I Want To Make Clear Is…
Don’t just do it and leave it in a drawer somewhere.
Make sure you keep it with the appropriate people that are going to be able to carry out your wishes.
This could be a family member, solicitor, health professional or care facility.
Finally, if and when you update it, send the updated copy to the same people who had the original.
The 4 Most Important Things You Should Know About An Advanced Care Plan:
- Talk to family about what you want and write it down
- Gives copies to the people who need to know your wishes
- Update it annually and give updated copies to the significant people in your life
- Make sure each copy is dated and signed by you